Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Flavour of the Month

Daddy's been off for a week.

Which means he's Flavour of the Month.

"Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy"

All. Day. Long.

Mummy is relegated to The Person who Cooks Meals and Stuff.

Daddy went back to work this morning.

The Sunshine Duke burst into tears.

Little Miss asked: "When is Daddy coming back?"

10 minutes later: "Is Daddy coming back yet?"

Coming back in the car: "Is Daddy back yet?"

Sunshine Duke says: "Daddy? Daddy?"

All. Day. Long.

Day 2.
It's a school day. Maybe, things will get back to normal...

Daddy goes to work.

The Sunshine Duke bursts into tears.

Little Miss asks "When is Daddy coming back?"

Sunshine Duke says: "Daddy? Daddy?"

I pick Little Miss up from school where, normally, she is pleased to see me.

She isn't pleased to see me.

She says: "Where's Daddy?"

Sunshine Duke says: "Daddy? Daddy?"

Day 3.
Another school day.

Daddy goes to work.

The Sunshine Duke bursts into tears.

Little Miss asks: "When is Daddy coming back?"

I'm penning a resignation letter in my head.

But then, I pick her up from school and she flings her arms around me and I think, yay! I'm back!

Then she steps back and says: "Is Daddy home yet?"


  1. Lovely blog. I have endured lengthy howling and repeated I want Daddy this evening. Because Daddy went out. Great to read your post. Dropped in from blog hop. pleased to meet you.
    What did you do with the tomatoes?

  2. Hi helloitsgemma thanks for visiting! I roasted them and put them on top of a pizza... yum! I have been quiet of late but just finalising some new posts so watch this space!
